Thursday 27 January 2011

Documentary on film openings;

The opening of a film must grab the audiences attention and at the same time not give away too much of the storyline.  This makes the views want to stay and watch the film. Jean Jacques Beineix believes that if a film starts automatically with something exciting the audience is aroused straight away, meaning when less interesting things happen the views become bored.  The opening mustn't give away too much yet neither leave the audience not knowing anything.  This is so that the views feel the need to keep watching.  The opening to 'Panic Room' is what is known as a classic opening as it starts with an establishing shot and closes in till we first see the main character with large bold credits. Kyle Coopers title sequence to his film 'Seven' is extremely effective because its a discrete opening and gives nothing away of the actual story line yet shows its possible genre.  Also the music helps show what genre the film may be, this make the audience feel as though they know something about the film, and makes them want to watch more of it.  When Orson Welles made his film 'Touch Of Evil' he origonaly decided to go straight into the film without a title sequence.  However Universal Studios wanted different and so they changed it, so that it started with rolling credits instead.  At the time they thought it would ruin the whole film to start it without credits.  So they went ahead with it.  When directors mention "a favorite trick of Film Noir" they mean when the film starts at the end, for example in "Momento".  The opening of the film 'The Shining' creates the suspense as the camera follows the character from a birds eye view as though they are being followed, the audience has a sense that they might be travelling in the wrong direction.

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